Archive | January, 2016

What If? Hoverboard Stunt Show

2 Jan

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”
Leonardo da Vinci


We visit theme parks to get away from the humdrum of normality to escape (albeit queued up for hours) into an imaginative realm. Therefore, it’s imperative that the amusement park industry stay ahead on technology so that the experiences they offer surpass what’s available in our own backyards. Hopefully, theme park executives have witnessed the ingenuity of Canadian Michael Davis’s invention:

FakeHoverboard copy

an authentic, honest to gosh, real-life hoverboard.


It’s almost as if he’s the Green Goblin or an air warrior from the clouds descending to us heathens below on his personal helicopter. Now imagine this technology in play in a stunt show in, around, and above water. Need I say… GLORIOUS! Then once the audience has had their fill of awe, they can be wooed into a high-priced up-charge attraction (complete with “we dare you to sue us” liability forms) where park goers can live out their Back to the Future 2 dreams. Well done Mr. Davis. Now it’s up to you Disney and Universal. (I’m sorry Six Flags, but we don’t need you tinkering with your low budget theatrics.)