Archive | June, 2014

400th Coaster Conquered!

28 Jun

It is with pure adrenaline that I announce that I have ridden my 400th roller coaster!

This week, 24 amazing students and a trusted friend/colleague invaded Singapore for an international academic competition. Of course, we just had to make a stop at Universal Studios Singapore. And then it happened…

On Saturday, June 28th at approximately 12:30pm (I’m totally guessing here)… a childhood dream became reality. I rode my 400th roller coaster! The Canopy Flyer, maybe not a coasterer’s first pick for such an honor, but it felt right. The Jurassic Park theme softly surged through my soul, legs dangling, and in the distance a new ride/coaster was mysteriously under construction. Just when the tears rolled out, the ride was over and I faced with a new challenge… time for 401!

Thank you Singapore for providing my 399th (Mummy), 400th (Canopy Flyer), and 401st (Enchanted Airways) coasters!

